At Hotel before Nazi Rally

Bodyguard marching outside the hotel.

Police surrounded.

Hitler chauffeur cried when Hanf. [Hanfstaengl] played Nazi Fu?? [musical] march.

Hall has [new page] been full since 12.

???llian now that reality is here. Adventure is over. Engagement before; now wedding. 25,000 [in hall]

In ante-chamber of Rally with Hitler

[Left hand page - not transcribed - notes and phone numbers]


Sat in car. Crowd outside – police ??

Then the Fuhrer came out in a brown uniform.

Whistled full speed ahead – first Hitler’s car, then two open cars with bodyguard (black & silver); then our car. Rapidly through streets. Shouts; ‘Heil Hitler’.

Vast hall; we march in - Swastikas [?] outside illuminated - through columns up the stairs to ante-chamber; photographs; Hitler there – now different man

Then HITLER outstretches hands.


…firm glare – determination, greets all. All around are in uniform.

From the hall ??? [Some Nazi song] bounds; shouting; one imagining what a crowd there must be there.

Hanfstengl, Delmer & I go inside. Never seen such a crowd.

Hundreds & hundreds of flags – red – red – tumultuous.

The storm troops are marching in with their banners. Shouts.

Then ‘Steel Helmets’ with old imperial banners; regimental [new page] banners. Every inch packed.

Nazi band underneath. Very high. Twice the size of Eisteddfod pavillion [traditional Welsh festival].


Masses of young people waving little flags.

On the platform high up – black& silver bodyguards.

Then HITLER outstretches hands.

Pandemonium - five to ten minutes.

Farankfurt Rally - HYSTERIA

I stand just a couple of feet away. Hitler flabbily waves his hand.


I stand just a couple of feet away. Hitler flabbily waves his hand.

Young school girls shout – fair-haired.

On each side I have one of Hitler’s bodyguards.

Hitler begins – calm, deep voice – gets louder and louder, higher and higher.

Tremendous applause.

He gets excited.

His points are cleverer than I imagined [New page]

Something Shri??ies & then expands.

Completely false picture of past 14 years.

Complete lack of knowledge of the effect of world conditions. The old system is to blame for everything.

Imagine the enthusiasm of an Eisteddfod:


+ National Passion

+ 14 Years defeat

+ Humanalism [?]

+ Wants of Middle Classes

+ Inflation

+ War ?? [Reparation]

Imagine LG [Lloyd George]:

without wit

without intellectual play

[Hitler] Folds arms, trembles.

Points out – right hand; tremblingly.

Less variation of gesture.

L.G [Lloyd George] is more of an artist

without gift of colour

without literary or biblical allusions

without the smile

without the twinkling eyes

without the hush & sudden drop of voice

But with the Fuherer:

with more shouting

with more continued emotion

with more demagogy – less light & shade.

On the table 6 small pieces of paper with rough notes in pencil [next page], a silver watch; he rarely looks at the notes.

Folds arms, trembles.

Points out – right hand; tremblingly.

Less variation of gesture.

L.G [Lloyd George] is more of an artist (e.g. Macbeth – ‘knoweth’ him pain ?? – Some Shakespearean quote]

Hitler – melodrama (Schiller [Robbers])

L.G. plays the whole scale of a Beethoven symphony

Hitler – Military march (Wagner)

However, irony; but not subtle...

Goebbels interview


We dine together and talk.

Charming man; dark brown eyes.

Iberian from Rhineland; very narrow head; like South Wales Miner; high brow.

Tremendous humour; very great personal charm; small; with limp.

“The S.A. defend me just like a big man who has married a petite woman.”

He talks of past days, as the days, the days of idealism.


“We don’t want to lay stress on exports, of course we export to pay for raw materials; but we want to stretch towards the East.

We want to take the people away from the towns and settle them on the land.

To do this we must control the Baltic. That’s why we have (?) the Danzstreuzer [Danzig Corridor in German?] PanzeKreuger

We must have a strong Baltic fleet.

It would be in Britain’s interest to allow us to spread to the East.

We hope to S????? our Macht and that Poland will realise that it will be better to give back the Corridor.

If Europe had not seen Ausgeblutet, we’d have had 10 wars.

Europe is like a powder-barrel.

Unless the causes? Are removed it will blow up.

We are not so keen on colonies.

The mistake of past. We days was to concentrate on Wetwigtschaften.

Germany has two alternatives:

Land or Sea

Army or fleet

East or West

Europe or World

Cannot do both.

Mistake of pre-war days was to try and do both. It was a vital mistake to build up the fleet. We should have concentrated on the land. Great mistake to concentrate on export. The days of export are over.

Our expansion to the East need not mean a conflict with Russia. Poland will be the sufferer


During the war the German propaganda was abominable; it was in the heads of people were bourgeois and had no connection

with the people. A good propagandist must know the roots.

But now the Germans have become the best propagandists in the world.

You watch next week, we’ll flood Berlin with propaganda.

I wonder if Goebbels takes things serious; or is it more self-expressionism; love of fights - arguments.


Can imagine him is discussions in South Wales.

It is too late to build up an international society.

The chance is lost and will never come again.

It seems that the best will be to stick out of Europe.

The League of Nations is dead. Hitler has killed it.

Delmer [Daily Express Berlin correspondent who also flew with Gareth - and during WW2 ran a British Propaganda radio station aimed at German troops, and much to Churchill's disgust, where he stated that their girlfriends and wives were being unfaithful back in Germany]] said that a means of defending Berlin against air attack had been discovered and that was only there was no fear of consequences of attack on Poland..

Germans do not work out consequences like trench??

Rebirth of Militarism in Germany.


Gobbells; ' says: “We’ll stick to power. Nothing will get us out. From now on there’ll only be Nazi Ministers."

Germany Mixture of Sentimentally

Macht Faust:

“Es wohnen ach zwei seelen in meiner Bruist.” [Two souls live, Oh, in my chest]

Goebbels and I drive to station.

He says: “We’ll stick to power. Nothing will get us out. From now on there’ll only be Nazi Ministers.


Hitler and Goebbels only have a few striking words (Stuhworte) and practically never prepare.

Goebbels “I

prepare a speech in 10 minutes . Just a structure. I speak on.

“? I spoke at Mayakowsty’s ???grave, it was only a minute or two before that I thought what I’d say. I thought that I’d describe his life and at each step in life say “and now he lies[?] there?

c.f Julius Caesar.

Feel at home with Goebbels.

Hitler hunches himself up a little.


Der Rebell film for anschluss.