• In 2001, after 3 years research I edited & published a book on behalf of my mother, entitled “Gareth Jones: A Manchukuo Incident”, based primarily on the
British Foreign Office records
surrounding their own investigations into
Gareth’s murder in Inner Mongolia, along with the letters he sent home from his travels in the Far East.
• At
that time we came to the conclusion that his murder was probably politically motivated and the most
likely culprits were the
Japanese in their then territorial expansion of Northern China.
Just two pages were devoted to his Soviet reporting, though we did briefly mention in passing that
he had written some
articles about Soviet famine conditions which we considered to be merely ‘grim’, but that was about it… Neither of us had any idea of the importance of his
role in exposing the Holodomor
when we first started investigating the
circumstances behind his mysterious murder.