Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


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Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


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Gareth's Diary Germany 1933

Gareth's Coverage of the Frankfurt Nazi Rally

The following 3-pages show legible images from Gareth's unique personal diary notes of his trip to Germany in February 1933, when he became the first foreign journalist to fly with Hitler on 23rd February 1933 after Hitler became Chancellor,

Afterwards, there is a page of his description of attending a Nazi Rally of 25,000 hysterical supporters, whilst sitting just a few feet from Hitler on the stage.

Finally, there is a link to a private & illuminating conversation with Goebbels at dinner in a 5-star hotel, after the rally, where Goebbels told Gareth that the Nazis  would never give up power - just four days before the burning of the Reichstag.

[Historically, one should note that just 10-days after this meeting with Goebbels  & Hitler, Gareth had arrived in Moscow, before setting-off on his off-limits trek within Ukraine (sleeping on peasants' floors), in order eventually, to expose the famine in Berlin on the 29th March 1933.]

However, one should remember that these were diary notes of a journalist - so, I would strongly suggest you first read Gareth's published articles (and use them in conjunction with my transcriptions of his hand-writing and occasionally almost illegible,  blunt-pencilled scribbles:

  1. Gareth  Flies with Hitler:

    Gareth describes Hitler as a middle-class grocer and Goebbels as a South Wales Miner:

    1. For Gareth's Diary Notes  CLICK HERE

    2. For Gareth's corresponding published newspaper article; entitled 'With Hitler Across Germany' (WHERE HE CHANGES THE  Click Here

  2. Gareth Attends a Nazi Rally at Frankfurt in Hitler's Entourage

    Here,  he describes Hitler's oratory with Lloyd George and the pandemonium & hysteria of  a 25,000 crowd

    1. For Gareth's Diary Notes SEE IMAGES BELOW

    2. For Corresponding Newspaper articles:

      1. For "Beginning of German Fascism" CLICK HERE

      2. For "Primitive Worship Of Hitler" CLICK HERE

  3. Gareth Private Interview at dinner with Goebbels after the Frankfurt rally

    Here, four days before the burning of the Reichstag, Gareth is informed that the Nazis will never give up power: (but, was is purely coincidental?)

    1. For Gareth's Diary Notes CLICK HERE

[For academic completeness (of all images of this diary), then  CLICK HERE  for untranscribed, preceding pages of the dairy]

For a full list of Gareth's German articles documenting the rise of Fascism articles between 1933 & 1934; including his incredulity at Hitler's anti-Semitic policies & his incisive take on the 'Night of the long Knives, the please  CLICK HERE

Gareth's Coverage of the Frankfurt Nazi Rally



At Hotel before Nazi Rally

Bodyguard marching outside the hotel.

Police surrounded.

Hitler chauffeur cried when Hanf. [Hanfstaengl] played Nazi Fu?? [musical] march.

Hall has [new page] been full since 12.

???llian now that reality is here. Adventure is over. Engagement before; now wedding. 25,000 [in hall]

Interview with Goebbels by Gareth Jones at Dinner after Frankfurt Rally on 24th February 1933


[Page 41]


We dine together and talk.

Charming man; dark brown eyes.

Iberian from Rhineland; very narrow head; like South Wales Miner; high brow.

Tremendous humour; very great personal charm; small; with limp.

“The S.A. defend me just like a big man who has married a petite woman.”

He talks of past days, as the days, the days of idealism.


“We don’t want to lay stress on exports, of course we export to pay for raw materials; but we want to stretch towards the East.

We want to take the people away from the towns and settle them on the land.

To do this we must control the Baltic. That’s why we have (?) the Danzstreuzer [Danzig Corridor in German?] PanzeKreuger

We must have a strong Baltic fleet.

It would be in Britain’s interest to allow us to spread to the East.

We hope to S????? our Macht and that Poland will realise that it will be better to give back the Corridor.

If Europe had not seen Ausgeblutet, we’d have had 10 wars.

Europe is like a powder-barrel.

Unless the causes? Are removed it will blow up.

[PAGE 43]

We are not so keen on colonies.

The mistake of past. We days was to concentrate on Wetwigtschaften.

Germany has two alternatives:

Land or Sea

Army or fleet

East or West

Europe or World

Cannot do both.

Mistake of pre-war days was to try and do both. It was a vital mistake to build up the fleet. We should have concentrated on the land. Great mistake to concentrate on export. The days of export are over.

Our expansion to the East need not mean a conflict with Russia. Poland will be the sufferer


During the war the German propaganda was abominable; it was in the heads of people were bourgeois and had no connection

[Page 44]

with the people. A good propagandist must know the roots.

But now the Germans have become the best propagandists in the world.

You watch next week, we’ll flood Berlin with propaganda.

I wonder if Goebbels takes things serious; or is it more self-expressionism; love of fights - arguments.


Can imagine him is discussions in South Wales.

[Page 45]

It is too late to build up an international society.

The chance is lost and will never come again.

It seems that the best will be to stick out of Europe.

The League of Nations is dead. Hitler has killed it.

Delmer [Daily Express Berlin correspondent who also flew with Gareth - and during WW2 ran a British Propaganda radio station aimed at German troops, and much to Churchill's disgust, where he stated that their girlfriends and wives were being unfaithful back in Germany]] said that a means of defending Berlin against air attack had been discovered and that was only there was no fear of consequences of attack on Poland..

Germans do not work out consequences like trench??

Rebirth of Militarism in Germany.


[page 46]

Germany Mixture of Sentimentally

Macht Faust:

“Es wohnen ach zwei seelen in meiner Bruist.” [Two souls live, Oh, in my chest]

Goebbels and I drive to station.

He says: “We’ll stick to power. Nothing will get us out. From now on there’ll only be Nazi Ministers.


Hitler and Goebbels only have a few striking words (Stuhworte) and practically never prepare.

Goebbels “I

[page 47]

prepare a speech in 10 minutes . Just a structure. I speak on.

“? I spoke at Mayakowsty’s ???grave, it was only a minute or two before that I thought what I’d say. I thought that I’d describe his life and at each step in life say  “and now he lies[?] there?

c.f Julius Caesar.

Feel at home with Goebbels.

Hitler hunches himself up a little.


Der Rebell – film – for anschluss.

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