September, 1932.
Dear Mr.
I have just returned from a Storm Attachment meeting and am just in right mood
to write to you on the political situation.
We are all exceeding angry that the "old man" has such blind
confidence on the clique of monarchists who are now in power. These
people do not seem to know that since the war there have been great and
fundamental changes. They believe that they can drag the cart out of the
rut with their old-fashioned pre-war views. But to save Germany we must
have quite different people! We National Socialists are the young
generation and our Hitler is certain to lead us soon into the "Third
Reich”, which will be the only solution of our present distress. It is a
disgrace that the clique which has absolutely no majority behind it has such
control over Hindenburg that he allows our leader to go away empty-handed.
It was the duty of the President to recognise our overwhelming success in the
Elections by placing the political power in Hitler’s hands. It is
quite correct that in numbers we have not a clear majority but figures are not
so important here. What is important is that out party contains all the
constructive forces. We have the elite of the German people in our
ranks. All classes groups of society and ages are represented, and the
more they slander and fight us the stronger we are bound together by the feeling
that we are destined to give all our energies for the building of a new German
Fatherland which contain all those of German blood, and in which all non-Germans
will be thrown out of positions of political and cultural work. There must
be no compromising. There is nothing we hate more than compromising.
That is the reason why we are not satisfied with the way in which our five Upper
Silesian comrades have been “pardoned”. We demand that the trial shall
be opened anew in order to prove that our comrades could simply not have acted
otherwise towards this Polish Insurgent and Communist. Since when have we
Germans put our own heroes up against the wall? Thank God that we have
amongst us enough people who are willing to lay down their lives if necessary to
rid the German people of its diseases.
We must
recognise that the Papen Government has done all it could for the sovereignty
and defense of the German people. In principle we agree with it. But how
clumsily they have done everything! Do not your countrymen feel insulted
by the démarche of the German Government at the Quai D’Orsai? When one
has such a plan to carry out surely one should first assure oneself of the
agreement of friendly powers before negotiating with the traditional enemy. Our
Adolf Hitler would have done things much better but he is not given the
possibility to show what he can do. But his day will come. We are
convinced of this, and we are prepared to take the future of the German people
into our hands.
With best greetings,

Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany.