AND SOUTH WALES NEWS, February 21st, 1933
Wales and Germany
have one grave problem in common-how to tackle unemployment. In both
countries there is an army of workless young people who feel that there is no
place for them in the world. Whether they live in Merthyr or in Berlin, in
Pontypridd or in Munich, they face the same spectre of idleness and poverty.
In South Wales
isolated attempts are being made to alleviate the boredom and the apathy of the
unemployed. In Bryn-mawr, in Trealaw, in Merthyr, and elsewhere greater
activity has entered the lives of the workless, and this has raised their
spirits and benefited the community.
In Germany the
fight against the deterioration of youth has been carried on with energy.
The German Government say: “We must bring the unemployed off the streets.
We must give them hope. We must show them that they are wanted by the
State, and thus conquer their pessimism. We must make them healthy by
giving them work in the open air. We must give them physical drill.
We must interest them in literature, in history, and in geography. We must
teach them crafts. We must use them to improve our roads, our forests, our
land, our bridges. But, above all, we must teach them order, discipline,
and loyalty to the State.”
Voluntary Labour
To carry out
these aims the German Government has encouraged a Voluntary Labour Service,
which has set up thousands of labour camps throughout Germany. Last summer
290,000 young Germans were given work, bread, and health in these camps.
In Saxony, for example, which has about twice as many inhabitants as Wales,
there are about 600 camps with from 30 to 200 people in each. Thus if
Wales were in Germany there would be about 300 camps training the youth of the
The members of
the camps are all volunteers. They work about six hours a day, some on
roads, some in draining marshes, others in clearing the results of floods, some
in building sports grounds. Besides these six hours, four hours are
devoted to lectures, discussions, sport, and physical drill. For, as the
President of the Saxon Labour Service said: “It is the man and not the work
which is important.”
The spirit of
those who join these camps is similar to that of young Welshmen who seek work.
A number of unemployed who wished to offer their services were asked why they
wanted to join, and nearly all gave similar replies, which ran as follows:
i. “I am sick
and tired of not having enough to eat.”
ii. “I am sick
and tired of dragging about the house with nothing to do.”
iii. “I want to
learn something.”
The Work They Do
These young men
do not work fork profit, for they only receive fourpence a day in pocket-money,
the pay of the pre war German soldier. They are given, however, plain but
good food, work-clothes, exercise, health and comradeship, and work from four to
nine months in the camp. The State subscribes 2s. per day per man, and the
cost to the Government in 1932 was about £5,000,000.
All the work done
is for the public good and not for the benefit of an individual. Urban
district councils or rural councils, co-operative societies or churches, employ
the labour of the voluntary labour camps for public works. Thus the
financially embarrassed public bodies of Germans have been able to get excellent
work done at small cost and to the benefit of the health and spirits of the
The camps may be
set up by the private initiative of clubs, such as the Y.M.C.A., by political
groups or by societies. There are Hitler camps, there are Protestant
camps, Socialist camps, and other kinds but in general the neutral camp, where
men of all parties and sects come together is preferred. Now, however,
that Hitler is in power, the Nazis will be favoured. In each camp there is
a leader who has been especially trained and put to a severe test, and who is
usually over 25 years of age. His influence upon the young workers can be
very great.
Unions’ Opposition
In the beginning
of the movement the Trade Unions opposed the Voluntary Labour Service, in which
they saw a menace to the wage agreements they had struggled for, and at present
the Builders’ Union is still a deadly enemy of the camps. But the Trade
Unions have now realised that it is better to give work to the unemployed, if
they volunteer for it, even at an infinitesimal pocket-money rate, than to allow
their health and moral to suffer.
Moreover, many
thousands abandoned the Trade Unions in order to be able to volunteer for the
camps. Contractors also fight against the Labour Service and accuse it of
stealing their trade. In spite of the opposition, and in spite of
financial difficulties, the movement is growing. Indeed the Hitler
Government wishes to make it compulsory and turn it into a kind of national
conscription scheme.
Germany led the
way in unemployment and health insurance. Perhaps by these labour camps
Germany may be leading the way to a method of rescuing the youth of Europe from
the effects of unemployment. The German authorities are still groping in
the dark, and have great difficulties to face. But their experiments may
be of great value to areas such as South Wales which have the same unemployment
problem to tackle.

Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany.