Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



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Probably before long there will be an autonomous Mongolia with treaty of friendship and commerce with Japan”.

Prince Teh Wang owns about 35,000 horses, 30,000 camels and the land all the way to the Outer Mongolian border.  About 20,000 Sunid form the tribe and the Prince is the judge.  Everyone of the tribe must come, one time or another, to serve for one year.  They are very independent characters and it is very hard for the Japs to control here.

After 10-18 miles of rushing across the Steppe, we went over a hill and in the hollow, we saw two collections of strange buildings.  The first was of grey stone with brightly coloured roofs in Chinese style.  A number of yurts surrounded it.  We saw a wall with pictures of big blue birds upon it.  That was the palace of Prince Teh Wang.  The other collection of buildings was a number of temples about 500 yards away, with their Chinese fantastic gables of dragon designs, rising above a series of mud houses.  That was the residence of the Panchen Lama, who, they say, cannot go back to Tibet because he is anti-British and, of course, we control Tibet. 

We drove towards the Prince’s palace, when about five Mongol soldiers rushed out with rifles.  They had very dark old uniforms, but with very fine silver work on their daggers and belts. 

They had very prominent teeth and pigtails (all Mongols, except lamas, wear pigtails).  One barred the way with his rifle and grinned.  He would not let us go to the palace, but pointed to a building on the hill with yurts round it.  (We learned later that only the Prince and his family could come down the straight way to the Palace and that ordinary mortals should come the side way, although we could leave by the princely way.)  The soldier in a blue-grey ragged uniform jumped on to our sideboard and directed us to a low white washed building with a grey roof and the yurts on the hill.  A yurt is round, made of sheepskins and wool and is warm and comfortable.  Here a number of Mongols in brilliant, though dirty, red and blue silks bowed to us and led us to a yurt where we sat cross-legged on Mongol carpets (which were about a yard square).  They brought us Mongol tea with mare’s milk in it.  It was awful!  We sat in silence for some time, and then afterwards wandered about the yurts.  After about one hour and a half, word came that the Prince was ready to receive us.

Gareth at the Lama service.

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