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Gareth Jones - A Manchukuo Incident

By Dr Margaret Siriol |Colley

Appendix VI


List of Characters




Alley, Revi: (New Zealander); Inspector of Factories in Shanghai who endeavoured to improve the working conditions of the contract labourers in Shanghai.


Barrett, Mr R.T.: Journalist for The Critic of Hong Kong.


Buchan, John: 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (1875-1940).  War correspondent in World War One.  Governor General of Canada.  Author of many books including The Thirty-nine Steps.


Cadogan, Sir Alexander: The British Ambassador to China in 1935.


Clive, Sir Robert: The British Ambassador to Japan in 1935.


Cox, Melville James ‘Jimmy’: The Reuters’ correspondent in Tokyo who was arrested on 27th July 1940 by the Kempeitai and died mysteriously a few days later.


Davies, Elwyn: An American missionary teacher.  Family came from Pennorth, Breconshire.


Davies, Lord David, of Llandinam: Prominent in the formation of the League of Nations Union.  Wartime (First World War) Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, Mr Lloyd George.


Fleming, Peter: Author of One’s Company, brother of spy novelist Ian. 


Garvin, John: Famous journalist and newspaper editor.


Howe, Dudley: J.P., Chairman of the Barry Urban District Council.


Hoare, Sir Samuel: Foreign Secretary in June, 1935.


Jones, Annie Gwen: (1868-1965) J.P.,  Gareth’s mother.  Known to the author as Nain and in the convention of the day as Mrs Edgar Jones.


Jones, Major Edgar: (1868-1953) O.B.E., T.D., and M.A., LL.D.,  Gareth’s father.  Headmaster of Barry County School for Boys.  B.B.C. Wales, Welsh Religious Adviser in 1932.


Jones, Miss Gwyneth Vaughan: (1895-1996).  Gareth’s sister.  Headmistress of Barry County School for Girls for 20 years from 1938.


Jones, Miss Winifred: (1880-1952).  Always known as Auntie Winnie or to the children as Ninnie.


Leith-Ross, Sir Frederick: The chief economic adviser to the British Government who led the failed Treasury mission to the Far East in 1935-36.


Lewis, Mrs Eirian Vaughan: Sister of Gareth and mother of Siriol Colley and John Lewis.


Lloyd George, Right Hon. David: Later Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor.  Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1908-1915.  Minister of Munitions, 1915-1916.  Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1916 to 1922.


Lytton, Lord: Headed the League of Nations commission following the Mukden Incident and the establishment of the state of Manchukuo.


Millar, Lieutenant: Language Officer at the British Embassy.


Muggeridge, Malcolm: Author and journalist.


Shaw, George Bernard: (1856-1950) Irish dramatist and playwright.  Member of the Fabian Society.


Simon, Sir John: Foreign Secretary from 1931 to 1935.


Stewart, Dr H.F.: Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.


Sylvester, Mr A.J.: David Lloyd George’s Private Secretary until Lloyd George’s death.


Timperley, Mr H.J.: Peking correspondent for the Manchester Guardian.


Webber, Sir Robert: Managing Director of The Western Mail.


Yorke, Gerald: Freelance journalist and part-time Reuters’ correspondent; Companion of Peter Fleming in One’s Company and adviser to Gareth on his trip to Changsha.




Chang Chung-Chi: Commander of the local militia, the Chahar Peace Corps. 


Chang Hsueh-liang: Governor of Mukden until the Mukden Incident and Chang Kai-shek’s deputy Commander-in-Chief.  Known as the Young Marshall.  Son of Chang Tso-lin.


Chang Tso-lin: (1875-1928): Manchurian warlord.  Murdered by Japanese as he returned to his capital of Mukden.


Chen Chi(Ji)-tang: General and Warlord of Canton.  Leader of the Southwest movement.  An adversary of Chiang Kai-shek and opponent of the Japanese.


Chiang Kai-shek, Marshall: (1887-1975): Leading nationalist leader of the Kuomintang (KMT), dictator of China until he had to flee to Taiwan in 1949.


Ch’ien Lung: (Qing Long) Emperor of China (1736 to 1795).  Founder of the Qing dynasty.


Diluwa Hutukin: The second living Buddha from Outer Mongolia.


He Ying-qin: War Minister in Chiang Kai-shek’s Government and endorser of the He-Umetsu Agreement.


Hsu Mo, Dr: Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs. 


Mao Tse-tung; Communist leader.  Lead the ‘Long March’ in 1935.  Assumed control of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.


Pao Fang Wu: The bandit chief, a former Chinese Military Officer and a resident in Japanese concession at Tientsin.


Pu Yi: (1906-1967): The last Emperor of China.  Enthroned as Emperor of Manchukuo on March 1st, 1934.  Imprisoned by the Communist Chinese after the Second World War, but released in 1959.


Sung, General Che(h)-yuan: Commander of the 29th Army based in Peking and Governor of Chahar until he was forced to resign prior to the demilitarisation of the Province following the He-Umetsu Agreement.


“Sylvia”: General Chen Chi-tang’s daughter.


Teh Wang: Leader of the Mongolian Princes.  He fought on the side of the Japanese in 1937 and was considered an enemy of the people.  He was released from custody in 1963.


Tsai Ting-kai, General: the 19th Route Army Commander who held the Japanese at bay during the Shanghai Incident of January 28th, 1932.  Lead an unsuccessful revolution in Fukien in 1933 against the Kuomintang.


Wang Ching-wei: Premier in Chiang Kai-shek’s Government.  He established the puppet regime in Japanese occupied China.


Yang, Mr: Chief Representative of the Chahar Government in Kalgan.


Zhou En-lai: Premier and Foreign Minister under Mao Tse-tung from 1949.  Died in 1976.




Baum, Vicki: Austrian author of Grand Hotel.


Dewall, Wolf von: The London correspondent for the newspaper, The Frankfurter Zeitung.  A close friend of Gareth.  One time in the employ of the China Customs and Postal Service under Sir Robert Hart.


Dirksen, Herbert von: A Nazi sympathiser.  The German Ambassador to Japan.


Hitler, Adolf: Leader of the National German Socialist Workers Party in 1921.  Author of Mein Kampf.  Chancellor of Germany in 1933.  Nazi Dictator.


Müller, Dr Herbert: Gareth’s companion into Inner Mongolia.  Freelance journalist and representative of Deutsches Nachtichenburo, the German news agency.


Plessen, Baron Johan von: German diplomat in Peking and Gareth’s companion into Inner Mongolia.


Ribbentrop, Joachim von: German Nazi Leader, Secret Agent in U.S.A. during World War One.  Ambassador to Britain 1936-1938.  Foreign Minister in Germany until 1943.  Negotiated the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan.  Executed as a war criminal in 1946.


Seeckt, General Hans von: Commander-in-Chief of the Reichswehr.  In retirement, he went as a German military adviser to Marshall Chang Kai-shek.


Stein, Günther: A known socialist and a committed Communist.  Spent time as a correspondent for the Berliner Tageblatt in Moscow prior to 1933.  In Tokyo, he became associated with double secret agent, Richard Sorge. 


Trautmann, Oskar: German Ambassador to China until 1937.




Nair: With the Japanese at Dolonor.  Secretary of the Pan-Asiatic League.




Amau, Eliji (Amŏ): Japanese Foreign Office Spokesman.  Proposed the Amau (Amŏ) Doctrine on April 17th 1934, which opposed Western aid to China and considered that Japan had a special mission to maintain peace and order in East Asia.


Araki Sadao: General:  Appointed Minister of War in December 1931 with the Constitutionalists.  He supported the Strike-North faction, which favoured expansion into Communist Russia.


Doihara, Kenji, Major General: One of Hirohito’s ‘reliables’.  A secret agent, experienced in subversive techniques.  Endeavoured to convert the China Provinces north of the great wall to autonomous government.  Executed following the International Military Tribunal for war crimes.


Hamaguchi Yuko: Prime Minister after the death of Chang Tso-lin.  His assassination was attempted in November 1930 and he died one year later.


Hayashi Senjuro, General: Assumed the position of Minister of War after General Araki.  He supported the rival faction of the Tosei-Ha or control school, which favoured striking south into China.


Hirohito: Emperor of Japan.


Hiroshi, General Oshima: The Japanese Military Attaché in Berlin who discussed with Ribbentrop secret negotiations against Bolshevik Russia in 1935.


Hirota, Koki: Foreign Minister and then Prime Minister in 1936.  Executed following the International Military Tribunal for war crimes.


Matsui, Colonel: Chief of the Japanese military mission in Kalgan.


Matsuoka Yosuke: Headed the Japanese delegation, which denounced Japan for its conduct in annexing Manchuria.  He left the meeting and in March 1933 Imperial sanction was given for Japan to withdraw from the League of Nations.


Nogi, General Maresuke: The victor in the battle for Port Arthur against the Russians in 1905.  He imposed a high standard of discipline upon his troops.


Osumi Mineo, Admiral: The Naval Minister when Gareth was in Japan.


Shidehara Kijuro: The Foreign Minister in 1930.  Became Acting-Prime Minister after the attempted assassination of the Prime Minister, Hamaguchi.  He assumed the position of Prime Minister when General MacArthur was Supreme Commander in Japan following the cessation of hostilities in 1945.


Shiozawa, Admiral: Fought General Tsai during the Shanghai Incident.


Takahashi Tan, Major: The Military Attaché so influential in the negotiations during the crisis involving the demilitarisation of Chahar.




Iswolski, Aleksander Petrovich: Russian Minister to Japan from 1900 prior to the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905.


Nadezhda Krupskaya: Lenin’s widow, Minister in the Commissariat of Education in Moscow.


Petrewschchew, Anatoli: Russian driver of the Wostwag truck in Inner Mongolia.


Sorge, Richard: Tried by the Japanese, found guilty of spying for the Russians and executed by them.  He informed Stalin of the intended invasion of Russia by Germany on June 21st 1941.  Stalin disregarded this information. 


Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953): He was active in the plot to overthrow Kerensky in 1917.  On Lenin’s death he assumed his place and became Dictator of the United States of Soviet Russia. 




Ananta Mahidon: The young King of Siam.


Pridi Panomyong: Law graduate who became leader of a group of idealists who were dissatisfied with the arrogance of the Royal Princes.  He was given the title Luang Pradit.  In 1932 Pradit was involved in a coup d’état to overthrow the Princes.


United States of America


Durranty, Walter: United States correspondent who disputed Gareth’s exposure of the folly of Stalin’s five year plan in the American press.


Hearst, Randolph: The famous newspaper magnate.


Heinz, Jack II: Grandson of the founder of the Heinz Organisation.  In 1931 Gareth travelled with Jack throughout the Soviet Union as detailed in Jack Heinz II’s privately published and ‘anonymously written’ book entitled: ‘Experiences in Russia - 1931’.  (The foreword was written by Gareth).


Hooker, Adelaide Ferry: Socialite friend of Gareth’s from New York, who met Müller in Kalgan after his release and was later interviewed by Lloyd George’s Private Secretary in London regarding her suspicions of a German- Japanese conspiracy.  For family history - see footnote in Chapter 20 – The German Doctor.


Hoover, President Herbert: Defeated by Roosevelt in 1932.  Proposed the Hoover Moratorium of 1931.


Lee, Dr Ivy: Said to be America’s greatest public relations expert.  [From his obituary in an unknown newspaper.]


Lloyd Wright, Frank: Architect of worldwide renown.


Roosevelt, President Franklin (1882-1945): American President from 1932 until he died in 1945.


Snow, Edgar: Author of The Scorched Earth and Red Star over China.


Wilson, President Woodrow (1856-1924): Committed United States to join the Allied cause in April 1917.  Took active part in the Peace negotiations after the Great War and he suggested the League of Nations, but U.S. Senate rejected this and the Treaty of Versailles.

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