Gareth Jones
relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



(2005) |

(2001) |
| |
1934 Ukraine Famine
Articles (from Unknown Propaganda Source)
The [London] Daily
Express - 6, 7 & 8, August 1934.
With Photos Claimed
to be Taken by Correspondent's Own Camera, but are Quite Clearly of 'Dubious'
N.B. The provenance of these 'famine' photos linked below is neither claimed
nor implied by the Gareth Jones website and are shown for comparative academic research
& discussion purposes only.
On the 6, 7 & 8th August 1934, The [London] Daily Express ran a
series of three articles by a 'Special Correspondent' who in 1934 allegedly
'broke away from a conducted tour to see the conditions for himself' and then
after a few days seems to have made his way back from Ukraine to the Metropole Hotel in
Moscow to rejoin his party without being questioned and then was permitted to
leave the Soviet Union unsearched and thus departed with his undiscovered rolls of film!
These articles, but mainly the photos are reproduced in full and are intended to be
seen in conjunction with all of Ammende's photos which can be also found on this
site (and eventually Hearst's 1935 bogus 'Thomas Walker's' articles for which I
hope to transcribe a yet incomplete set of copies).
There are two issues for discussion here, one is the original
provenance of the photos (and from many of the captions to the photos, it is
clear they could not have been taken by a 'passer-by' tourist) and the other is
to discover an identity as to the author of these 'fictitious' articles and also
the organisation or power who used them for propaganda purposes (whether it be
the Nazi's, the Soviets {so as to later expose them if necessary as fraudulent
as they did with Thomas Walker's late February /early March 1935 articles for Hearst, though these
Daily Express specific articles were not exposed at the time} or
quite possibly German Religious Aid Charities (through Dr Ewald Ammende and Dr.
Dittloff, who were in Whitehall, London seeking governmental support in July
N.B . Three photos from this Daily Express series have
already been identified as having been inserted into Ammende's English
version of his book, "Human Life in Russia" which was published after his
premature death in 1936, in which provenance was attributed to Dr. Dittloff's
own camera, but certainly two of which (My Ref No.s: DE-6/8/1934#1 &
DE-7/8/1934#1) appear to have been taken in the 1921 famine and therefore could
not have been taken by Dittloff, himself!.
N.B. All of the photos from the Daily Express 6th August 1934,
appeared within Thomas Walker's fraudulent article in the Hearst Press on the
25th February 1935, entitled; "Six Million Perish in Soviet Famine.".[Click
Here for External Link]
Finally, informed readers of this site are kindly requested
to post their constructive comments for discussion...
Index to the Series of
three 1934 Daily Express Ukrainian Famine Articles
1. |
Daily Express - 6th August
"The Horror of
the Ukraine"
'Starved Men and
Horses Dead on the Roadside."
"Left Foodless by
Moscow's Swoop on Crops." |
CLICK HERE to view
index to a legible copy of this 6th August
article and for thumbnails of higher resolution photos used within the
newspaper. |
2. |
Daily Express - 7th August
"Starving Ukraine"
'Field as Dumping Ground for
Victims of the Famine'.
'Tragic Journey's end for Former
Oxford Man'. |
to view index to legible copy of this 7th August article
and for thumbnails of higher resolution photos used within the newspaper. |
3. |
Daily Express - 8th August 1934
Village Wiped Out"
'Famine Worse Next
'No Medical Aid'. |
to view index to legible copy of this 8th August article
and for thumbnails of higher resolution photos used within the newspaper. |
"The Horror of
the Ukraine"
Ref. |
Click on Thumbnails below for
larger images. |
Caption |
Notes |
DE-6/8/1934#top |
"The Horror of
the Ukraine"
'Starved Men and
Horses Dead on the Roadside."
"Left Foodless by
Moscow's Swoop on Crops." |
It is my aim to transcribe this article in due
course, but if anyone does it in the interim, then please send me a copy for
inclusion or add it to the discussion form below. [N.B. - You may need to
save these larger photos to disk and open it with any photo editor to read
the text]
DE-6/8/1934#btm |
N/A - Bottom of Article |
DE-6/8/1934#1 |
Caption: "Secret camera's
evidence. [Top] Dead and dying horses near the collective farm at Belgorod.
Their owners begged for them. but were ordered from the farm at pistol
point. [Left] The boy is weeping. He stands near the body of his father, who
was shot in his presence on the Belgorod farm because, during a
grain-picking round of the yard, he approached too close to prohibited
territory. The body was left where it fell." |
* Comments: A copy of this photo
on left appears
in Ammende's 1936 'Human Life in Russia" in the Frontispiece -
CLICK HERE to cross-reference. It also appears in the Hearst Press on
February 25th 1935, in Thomas Walker's bogus articles. [CLCK
HERE for an external Link - as awaiting copies of the original for
website inclusion.] |
DE-6/8/1934#2 |
* Comments: The
photo of the weeping boy with father on left also appears on 25th February
1935 in the Hearst Press in Thomas Walker's bogus articles [CLCK
HERE for an external Link - as awaiting copies of the original for
website inclusion.] |
DE-6/8/1934#3 |
Caption: "Starving, he crept into the wagon to
sleep. He never awakened." |
* Comments: The
photo of cart on left also appears on 25th February 1935 in the Hearst Press
in Thomas Walker's bogus articles [CLCK
HERE for an external Link - as awaiting copies of the original for
website inclusion.] |
DE-6/8/1934#4 |
Caption: "They pick in the dust for fallen
grain - a special privilege. Peasant women on the Belgorod farm." |
* Comments: The
photo of woman on left also appears on 25th February 1935 in the Hearst
Press in Thomas Walker's bogus articles [CLCK
HERE for an external Link - as awaiting copies of the original for
website inclusion.] |
Ref. |
Click on
Thumbnails below for larger images. |
Caption |
Notes |
DE-7/8/1934#top |
"Starving Ukraine"
'Field as Dumping Ground for
Victims of the Famine'.
'Tragic Journey's end for Former
Oxford Man'. |
It is my aim to transcribe this
article in due course, but if anyone does it in the interim, then please
send me a copy for inclusion or add it to the discussion form below. [N.B.
- You may need to save the larger photo to disk and open it with any photo
editor to read the text] |
DE-7/8/1934#btm |
N/A - Bottom of Article |
DE-7/8/1934#1 |
Caption: "Carrying all her
possessions under her arm, a despairing mother plods along with her small
son in search of food". |
* Comments: A mirror image copy of this photo appears
in Ammende's 1936 'Human Life in Russia" Facing Page 63 -
CLICK HERE to cross-reference. |
DE-7/8/1934#2 |
Caption: "The two boys
(top picture) have found treasure - twenty potatoes. G.P.U. agents,
searching for hoarded food, discovered fourteen potatoes in the hut of an
old peasant woman - "obviously pretty" - whose body was among those on the
dumping ground." |
DE-7/8/1934#3 |
* Comments: An
un-cropped copy of this photo on left appears
in Ammende's 1936 'Human Life in Russia" Facing Page 129 -
CLICK HERE to cross-reference. |
DE-7/8/1934#4 |
Caption: "They pick in the dust
for fallen grain - a special privilege. Peasant women on the Belgorod farm." |
* Comments:
The photo of a child on left also appears on 4th March
1935 in the Hearst Press in Thomas Walker's bogus articles [CLICK
Village Wiped Out"
Ref. |
Click on
Thumbnails below for larger images. |
Caption |
Notes |
DE-8/8/1934#top |
Village Wiped Out"
'Famine Worse Next
'No Medical Aid'. |
It is my aim to transcribe this
article in due course, but if anyone does it in the interim, then please
send me a copy for inclusion or add it to the discussion form below. [N.B.
- You may need to save the larger photo to disk and open it with any photo
editor to read the text] |
DE-8/8/1934#btm |
N/A - Bottom of Article |
DE-8/8/1934#1/2 |
Caption: "(Left) He has spent two
of the last four years in prison... wonders where his next meal is coming
from. (Right) His parents starved to death in order that he might live...
But life has nothing to offer him." |
* Comments:
The photo on far left also appears on 6th March 1935 in the Hearst
Press in Thomas Walker's bogus articles. N.B. The Hearst caption ist
remarkably similar: "This typical peasant of the Ukraine spent two years in
jail, suffering untold tortures and since his release has been fighting
starvation." |
To cross-reference these photos with Walker's articles for Hearst, please
To cross-reference these photos with Ammende's Muss Russland Hungern?,
Click here for a discussion hypothesis over
whether Walker was in fact a Soviet Patsy rather than a Hearst Stooge?