Mount Kailash and Saga Dawa 2004
tours from The Oriental Caravan

The Oriental Caravan is an expert in providing fully escorted, small group tours of discovery to 
Mount Kailash and the 2004 Saga Dawa festival in Tibet.

Kailash and Saga Dawa 2004

A sample photo from our Kailash and Saga Dawa Gallery 


to visit our main website for full details on our select choice of Kailash Tours 
and other trips in Tibet and the Far East.

Gathering at the edges of vast deserts or at the feet of great mountain passes, travellers down the centuries would often band together into caravans for companionship, security or sometimes just adventure The Oriental Caravan continues this tradition into the 21st century, as a means by which travellers of today can come together in small groups, to discover for themselves the mysteries of the East, on journeys that take them to the heart of the Orient