Gareth Jones

[bas relief by Oleh Lesiuk]



Stop Press


Complete Soviet Articles & Background Information


Précis of Gareth's Soviet Famine Articles


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Tell Them We Are Starving




Eyewitness to the Holodomor



More Than Grain of Truth



Manchukuo Incident





'Are you Listening NYT?'  U.N. Speech - Nov 2009


Gareth Recognised at Cambridge - Nov 2009


Reporter and the Genocide - Rome, March 2009


Order of Freedom Award -Nov 2008


Premiere of 'The Living' Documentary Kyiv - Nov 2008


Gareth Jones 'Famine' Diaries - Chicago 2008


Aberystwyth Memorial Plaque 2006





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Gareth Jones Diary Notes relating to Soviet Ukraine Famine 1932-33

Please click here for Nigel Colley's PowerPoint Presentation detailing  Salient Images & Transcriptions from Gareth's Diary Notes of his Observations of  Ukrainian Famine Conditions on his three unescorted trips in 1930, 1931 & 1933.

N.B. It is a 5mb download - so please be patient for the final images to appear...

Unedited Photos of Gareth Jones' Entire Soviet Diaries

The following work-in-progress links are un-annotated photos of each & every page from all of Gareth's Soviet Diaries: [Any transcriptions & especially all Russian / Ukrainian phonetic translations gratefully received for future inclusion on this website.]

For an example legible sample of just two heart-rending pages of his observation of famine conditions in Ukraine from his 1933 trip - then, please scroll down to see two images.

This complete publication of his diary pages are now being published online for academic completeness & thereby proving credibility as to their provenance - and are by no means, either an easy read (due in part to deciphering his hand writing), nor though fascinating, always an interesting one - as they document almost everything he experienced of note on his trips, from his conversations with the highest in the land to the lowliest Ukrainian peasant, and were never actually tended for publication today.

Though, from an historical point-of-view, one might like to remember that United Press correspondent, Eugene Lyons' own personal observations of Gareth in his 1937 book; 'Assignment in Utopia':

"The first reliable report of the Russian famine was given to the world by an English journalist [sic!], a certain Gareth Jones, at one time secretary to Lloyd George. Jones had a conscientious streak in his make-up which took him on a secret journey into the Ukraine and a brief walking tour through its countryside. That same streak was to take him a few years later into the interior of China during political disturbances, and was to cost him his life at the hands of Chinese military bandits. An earnest and meticulous little man, Gareth Jones was the sort who carries a note-book and unashamedly records your words as you talk. Patiently he went from one correspondent to the next, asking questions and writing down the answers."

Below, and in full for the first time, are the contents of these afore-mentioned 'note-books': & you may perhaps recognise that this 'meticulous little man' , less than three years later, was effectively assassinated along with his famine message (and by virtue of some yet unpublished, recent October 2007 research of mine, there is now almost no doubt whatsoever, by the Soviets; simply for being a completely un-corruptible maverick, though perhaps albeit, naively, courageous messenger of the truth),


1931 - Diary 1

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 - Part 1 of his 1931 trip to the USSR with billionaire, Jack Heinz II, which formed virtually the entire content of Heinz's anonymously written book; Experiences of Russia 1931 - A Diary. [For an online version of Heinz's spring, 1932 book, which details the onset of Soviet famine conditions in 1931, then please click here]

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the Gareth's 1931 Diary 1 - Part 1 CLICK HERE

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 -Part 2 web page of the first 1931 Soviet diary.

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the above 1931 Diary 1 -Part 2 CLICK HERE

1931 - Diary 2

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 2 - Part 1 web page of his 1931 trip to the USSR with Jack Heinz.

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the above 1931 Diary 2 -Part 1 CLICK HERE

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 2 - Part 2 web page of his 1931 trip to the USSR. [Including Interview with Lenin's Widow.]

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the above 1931 Diary 2 -Part 2 CLICK HERE

1931 - Diary 3

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 3 - Part 1 web page of his 1931 trip to the USSR with Jack Heinz.

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the above 1931 Diary 2 -Part 1 CLICK HERE

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 3 - Part 2 web page of his 1931 trip to the USSR.

  • For an Adobe Acrobat PDF version of the above 1931 Diary 3 -Part 2 CLICK HERE

1933 - Diary 1

Gareth's three 1933 Soviet dairies have been transcribed (& translated where necessary) in a Kashtan Press 2015 publication; "Tell them we are starving"-- the 1933 diaries of Gareth Jones" [ISBN  978-1-896354-45-3]

The following links are to high resolution PDF colour images of  Gareth's three diaries and the page numbering coincides with the above publication's page numbering for cross-referencing purposes, so that readers can if they choose, conveniently use these PDFs along side the book's transcriptions. 

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 01 to Page 15) | approx 24mb.

  2. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 16 to Page 31) | approx 29mb.

  3. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 32 to Page 47) | approx 29mb.

  4. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 48 to Page 63) | approx 28mb.

  5. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 64 to Page 79) | approx 28mb.

  6. CLICK HERE for Diary 1 (from Page 80 to Page 96) | approx 31mb.

This Diary 1 covers his 1933 trip to the USSR in which he interviews western journalists, Finance Commissar Grinko, his own draft Newspaper articles, his detailed recording of available food prices, his appointments & meeting times, Moscow telephone numbers (of all and sundry!), as well as his most historical remarkable off-limits unescorted foray in Ukraine during the height of the famine, which represents perhaps the only independent Western verification of the Holodomor.

[Excerpts are shown  below of p94 & p95 are from this first of his1933 Soviet diaries and detail his off-limits trip to Ukraine.]


1933 - Diary 2

Diary 2 continues with his trip walking along the railway line through villages in the Black Earth District & then his arrival in Kharkiv, where he saw queues of 2000, waiting forlornly for bread. [Again, page numbering correlates with numbering in the publication "Tell them we are starving"-- the 1933 diaries of Gareth Jones" [ISBN 978-1-896354-45-3].]

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 2 (from Page 01 to Page 15) | approx 19mb.

  2. CLICK HERE for Diary 2 (from Page 16 to Page 32) | approx 19mb.

  3. CLICK HERE for Diary 2 (from Page 33 to Page 49) | approx 20mb.


1933 - Diary (Notebook) 3

Diary 3 of his 1933 trip to the USSR contains a conversation with Duranty over gold & silver prices, many other prices of commodities, an interview with Deputy Commissar for Light Industry also with Vice editor of Izvestia and observations of famine conditions outside Moscow.

  1. CLICK HERE for Diary 3 (from Page 01 to Page 16) | approx 27mb.

  2. CLICK HERE for Diary 3 (from Page 17 to Page 32) | approx 29mb.

  3. CLICK HERE for Diary 3 (from Page 33 to Page 46) | approx 25mb.

[Revised 22 April 2015. Initially Complied 5 & 6 Nov 2007 -  Copyright 2007-2015. All Rights Reserved. Nigel Linsan Colley]


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Original Research, Content & Site Design by Nigel Linsan Colley. Copyright © 2001-17 All Rights Reserved Original document transcriptions by M.S. Colley.Click here for Legal Notices.  For all further details email:  Nigel Colley or Tel: (+44)  0796 303  8888