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Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones

A Selection of his Soviet Diaries, Letters and Articles



The wood was fresh-spaces between the wood and the stone. Bricks not bad but huge gaps between. Then covered with plaster.  Won’t last.

  Churches taken down to make place for buildings.  In one church place workers said it was haunted and ran away.  One church was exploded and the tower remained standing. Population said it was a sign of God. Still religious, but young people not. 

 Bewilderment among the village Communists when they drove too hard against the peasants they got into trouble. When they were too kind, accused

of being pro-kulak.  Many arrested 35 shot - in paper.


Ukrainian  Nat[ionalist] Dyn  mwyaf pwysig (very important man)

               Russification and Centralisation policy – new  ??? in last month.   




 Will lead to greater dissatisfaction

 Skrypnik, the Commissar  for  Education has been removed (now in Gosplan)was for Ukrainian rights. He was accused over Ukrainisation.  He was (removed the beginning March.                                                 

     (Leaving Kharkiv.)   Looked in through window. One with red face and open mouth – had typhus.  Another half-naked – had nothing but dried skin – looked like thin bones. Depraved faces. Another pale white face.

Great increase                                                                                   In               Bezprizornie                                                                                      contrast.   

                                                                       Little girl-dressed  well dressed

In Train

Excellent wagon – built before the War – Tueskoi Factory.  Good quality. Conductor. “Now quality of wagons is terrible. They rattle and break.  Will never last.

Another conductor came to draw blinds.  I stopped.  “No,” he said, “they throw stones at the train.”

Who? “Boys/  Peasants?

As Protest

Paper - Isvestia G.P.U.“Civil Servants held responsible for any sabotage, burning etc in their institutes. Increases in power of G.P.U. tremendously.”

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