Gareth Jones
relief by Oleh Lesiuk]
(2005) |
(2001) |
| |
Gareth Richard
Vaughan Jones
Hero of Ukraine
(1905 -1935)
A Man Who Knew Too
part of the world is a cauldron of conflicting intrigue and one or other
interests concerned probably knew that Mr Gareth Jones knew too much of what was
going on... He had a passion for finding out what was happening in foreign
lands wherever there was trouble, and in pursuit of his investigations he shrank
from no risk... I had always been afraid that he would take one risk too many.
Nothing escaped his observation, and he allowed no obstacle to turn from his
course when he thought that there was some fact, which he could obtain. He had
the almost unfailing knack of getting at things that mattered."
London Evening Standard, quoting former British Prime Minister David
Lloyd George, 26th August 1935.
For copyright requests for items from the Gareth Vaughan Jones Estate, for new documents, research and news regarding Gareth Jones and to make donations for the renovation of garethjones.org please visit our supplemental site www.garethjonessociety.org, or contact Philip Colley at:
philip '@' colley.co.uk
![Gareth Richard Vaughn Jones](images/gareth2.jpg) |
website is dedicated to the distinguished professional life of Gareth Jones, a
young Welsh Journalist of worldwide repute for internationally exposing the
1932-33 Holodomor, & politically murdered in his prime by Chinese
bandits in 1935, though through strong circumstantial evidence
discovered at the British Public Records Office, were most probably in
the pay of the Soviet NKVD secret police...
For a brief
biography of his life, please
website is split into two distinctive sections:
Gareth Jones - A Manchukuo Incident
celebration of his life, Gareth's niece, Dr. Margaret Siriol Colley and his
great nephew, Nigel Linsan Colley have written & published
a critically acclaimed book
Gareth Jones - A Manchukuo Incident - which investigates the
political intrigue surrounding Gareth's murder by Chinese bandits in 1935.
an overview of the book, then please click on the
link below or an appropriate link on the left:
Jones: A Manchukuo Incident
Soviet Famine Exposure - London Evening Standard, 31st March 1933.
Gareth Jones' Published Articles
As a
prolific writer, Gareth left a legacy of articles published in many British
newspapers including The Western Mail, The Times and the Manchester
Guardian, in Germany in the Berliner Tageblatt and in American
newspapers through the International News Service. These articles are a
graphic and historic portrayal of the critical events of the early thirties and
are worthy of an in-depth study in themselves
From below, links can be discovered to some of Gareth's historically most
noteworthy articles::
Exposé of 1933 Soviet Ukrainian starvation.
Rise of Hitler's Germany.
Impressions & Interviews in the Far East in 1935.
War Reparations & Roosevelt's 'New Deal'.
'Enigma of Ireland', 1933.
Search of News - Retrospective of
The Western
Mail articles.
Has Spoken.
Wales in the Summer of 1933.
in the 1930s.
Prophesy of World Politics
Through the Thirties, 31 Dec 1930.
Confidential Interview in 1933 with the Soviet Foreign
Minister, Litvinoff (Litvinov), regarding Soviet Foreign Policy which Correctly
Predicted All the Major Events which Led to the Second World War.
Finally a Series of Three 'Lost' 1935 &
Most Vitriolic Anti-Stalinist Articles, Personally Commissioned by Randolph
Hearst, where Gareth First Coined
the Term "Man-Made Famine" to describe the Holodomor (to be found in the
second article).
for complete index of his articles click below:
For other Recent News - See Our 'Stop Press Link on the Top Left
Hand Side of every page; but for the most recent please see below: